New and Improved
Updated magazine and new visual branding just two of the exciting changes happening at the Alberta Construction Safety Association
by Dan MacLennan
I would like to welcome you to the new edition of your ACSA’s magazine, Alberta Toolbox. Formerly known as The Advisor, our new publication aims to inform and interest our readers with articles about what’s important to you – articles about you.

Executive Director,
Alberta Construction Safety Association
Alberta Toolbox will be released three times a year, available in digital format as well as in print for our active members, who make up over 36,000 companies from Alberta’s construction industry.
One exciting change I wanted to outline, and which you would have most likely seen by now, is that we’ve changed our brand.
The ACSA has come a long way since our inception some 28 years ago and I look forward to working together with our members to ensure the legacy of this organization remains one we can be proud of and take with us in to the ever-changing future.
After almost three decades under the same brand, we felt it was time for a new look, so we decided to create a new brand that properly reflects who we are at the ACSA and why we do what we do.
In partnership with the growing safety community, we are building links and connections with our stakeholders and industry partners, influencing change and instilling a culture of safety.
We are proud of what we do here at the ACSA. It is thanks to our people and the safety leaders in the field that we are all able to work together to make workplaces safer and enable everyone to return home unharmed at the end of each and every working day.
Our new look reflects this connection and dedication to our growing construction safety community, while bringing our visual identity up to date with a fresh new approach. You can read more about our new look in this edition.
I hope you enjoy reading through our new Alberta Toolbox publication, which is just one of many improvements that we’re making here at the ACSA.